Welcome to the
Preble County Council on Aging

Keeping Grandma & Grandpa safely in their home since 1973.
We’ve been serving our community since 1973. Our Senior Activities Center provides a variety of activities, educational and wellness programs, health screenings, exercise classes, travel and social activities.
Jack & Betty’s Diner is on our campus and is open to the public. All ages are welcome. You may choose from the daily special, or order from the regular menu. All our delicious desserts are made in house.
Preble County residents that are 60 years of age or better, they may take advantage of our in-home and community based services offered through the Preble County Council on Aging (PCCOA). We offer Transportation Services, In-Home Services, Information & Referral, Home Delivered Meals, Congregate Meals, and Senior Companionship Programs to name a few.
Those looking for a place to rent, check out the Senior Activities Center for your rental needs.
Ohio's Senior Center of The Year Award
We were honored with the very first award for Senior Center of the Year by the Ohio Association of Senior Centers (OASC). Read the full article in the Register Herald

Our Mission
We will partner with our community in assuring the best quality of life for our seniors now and into the future.
To advocate and provide resources for seniors to remain healthy and independent.
We promote an attitude of honesty and integrity in all organizational operations.
We understand that each person is unique.
We recognize and respect our individual differences.
Participant’s Council Mission Statement
We shall support the Preble County Council on Aging (PCCOA) in its mission. We shall also represent the PCCOA membership through communication and feedback for the enhancement of a positive experience.
Everyone in Preble County knows who we are and where we are.
It is the policy of the Preble County Council on Aging, Inc., not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, genetic information, disability, national origin, or age, or other protected activity in providing servicers to eligible clients, activities, to eligible participants, staff hiring and promotion, and volunteer recruitment, retention, and recognition.
Jack and Betty's Diner
We are open to the community five days a week. Monday – Friday
Serving lunch 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm at the Preble County Senior Activities Center.

Activities, Trips & Services

Hold your next event at the Senior Center!

Our History
The Preble County Council on Aging is a private, non-profit, 501(c)(3) social service organization which was incorporated by the State of Ohio in 1973. Its purpose and mission is “Partnering with our community in assuring the best quality of life for our seniors, now and into the future.” In 1987, the agency received designation as the focal point for the provision of services to the elderly within Preble County by the Area Agency on Aging and the Ohio Department of Aging. Certain in-home and community based services are provided for Preble County residents who are age 60 and older. Eligibility, for some of these services, is determined by an assessment and prioritization process that ensures services are provided to those most in need of the service. Clients may be assessed a fee for these services, but voluntary donations are encouraged.
Participation in Senior Center activities are geared towards participants who are 60 years of age or older, and are generally on a first-come, first-served basis. Fees are not assessed for participation unless there are additional costs associated with the event, such as cost of food for a luncheon, fees for entertainment, trip fares, instructor fees, etc., and these are passed along to participants.